Movie Narrative: Joy Ride (2001)

The captivation of moving pictures is a source of tremendous inspiration.  For this reason and many more, RB28’s Movie Narratives, continues showing its love for movies with another movie narrative.  This week, Joy Ride (2001), will be converted into a narrative and subsequently highlighted.  It is implied that the blog reader reads the movie narrative, and then, he or she watches the movie.  The effort is to give the blog reader, an enhanced experience.  RB28’s Movie Narratives, ends this movie narrative of Joy Ride (2001), with some Hollywood facts.  
             Joy Ride (2001) is rated R.  Furthermore, it is 1 hour and 37 minutes long.  This movie is categorized under the mystery and thriller genre.  The official release date is October 5th, 2001.  The release date is for the Country of the United States of America.  The director was John Dahl.  The writers were Clay Tarver and J.J. Abrams.  The officially recognized stars were Matthew Kimbrough, Leelee Sobieski and Steve Zahn.  The list of the 16 most important cast members is as follows:
  • Matthew Kimbrough (Rusty Nail).
  • Steve Zahn (Fuller).
  • Paul Walker (Lewis).
  • Leelee Sobieski (Venna).
  • Jessica Bowman (Charlotte).
  • Stuart Stone (Danny).
  • Basil Wallace (Car Salesman).
  • Brian Leckner (Officer Keeney).
  • Mary Wickliffe (Salt Lake City Police Desk Clerk).
  • McKenzie Satterthwaite (Assistant Salt Lake City Police Desk Clerk).
  • Dell Yount (Gas Station Mechanic).
  • Kenneth White (Ronald Ellinghouse).
  • Luis Cortes (Night Manager).
  • Michael McCleery (Officer Akins).
  • Jim Beaver (Sheriff Ritter).
  • Rachel Singer (Gas Station Manager).
             The synopsis follows.  Joy Ride (2001) is a road trip adventure out of the U.S.A., which goes, terribly wrong.  Lewis and Venna talk on the telephone.  Lewis is at a university in Berkeley, California U.S.A.  Meanwhile Venna, is at a university in the State of Colorado, U.S.A.  Both of them, have finished their first year.  Lewis is in his dormitory room, and, the telephone conversation continues.  Venna tells Lewis that, she is recently single.  Venna expresses her wish, to drive home.  Additionally, Venna expresses her wish that, Lewis had a car.  This way, both of them, can drive home; together.  Lewis pops out of bed, and, he checks his airplane ticket.  The airplane ticket is refundable.  Lewis refunds his airplane ticket, and, he buys a used car.  Lewis buys a 1971 Chrysler, and, he drives on the highway.  Lewis stops, in order, to talk to his mother on the telephone.  Lewis’s mother informs Lewis that, his brother has been arrested.  Lewis decides to add, picking up his brother, to his list of plans.  At the police station, Lewis pays with his credit card.  His brother, Fuller, is released from jail.  Lewis and Fuller see each other, for the first time, in a long time.  Lewis and Fuller drive on the highway.  Lewis tells Fuller that, they are driving to the State of Colorado, in order, to pick up Venna.  Fuller vaguely remembers Venna.  Furthermore, he gives Lewis a hard time, about what, he is doing.  Lewis and Fuller stop, at a truck stop.  Lewis talks to Venna, on the telephone.  Lewis tells Venna that, Fuller was added to the road trip.  At the same time, Fuller pays to have a CB radio installed.  Lewis and Fuller drive on the highway.  Lewis and Fuller start to play, with the CB radio.  Lewis talks as Candy Cane, and, Fuller talks as Black Sheep.  Unexpectedly, a man starts to ask for Candy Cane.  Lewis plays along, and, he pretends to be a woman.  The man becomes interested in Candy Cane.  The man calls himself, Rusty Nail.  Lewis continues to play with Rusty Nail.  Fuller loves every moment, of the prank.  Lewis and Fuller arrive, at the Lone Star Motel.  Unexpectedly, Rusty Nail is on the CB radio, asking for Candy Cane.  Fuller wants to continue the prank.  He asks Lewis to start talking, as Candy Cane.  Lewis says, no.  However, Fuller continues to convince him, otherwise.  Surprisingly, Lewis starts to talk as Candy Cane.  Lewis, as Candy Cane, tells Rusty Nail that, they should meet-up.  Additionally, Lewis says that, he will be in room 17.  The motel is the Lone Star Motel; around midnight.  Furthermore, Lewis asks Rusty Nail for pink champagne.  Rusty Nail arrives at room 17, and, the incident becomes a violent incident.  Lewis and Fuller are in room 18; listening to everything that is happening.  Ultimately, Rusty Nail wants revenge, and, he won’t stop until he gets revenge.  Rusty Nail does know that Candy Cane and Black Sheep are, Lewis and Fuller.  Furthermore, that they drive a 1971 Chrysler.  Director, John Dahl, does a good job.  The story feels original.  Furthermore, the time passes in an entertaining manner.  The action is successfully taken, all the way to the end.  The writers do an equally good job.  The simplicity of the story goes a long way.  Additionally, the violence, is also, simple and entertaining.  The interaction between Lewis and Fuller is, very well written.  The officially recognized stars contribute tremendously.  They would be missed, if they were not chosen.  Special recognition is merited to Paul Walker and Steve Zahn.  The Lewis and Fuller characters are, very memorable characters.  Overall, this movie earns the rating of 7 out of 10.
            The movie narrative of, Joy Ride (2001), is as follows.  There are opening credits.  People talk on CB radios.  Venna and Lewis start to talk, on the telephone.  Venna and Lewis continue talking, on the telephone.  Lewis is at a university in Berkeley, California U.S.A.  Meanwhile Venna, is at a university in the State of Colorado, U.S.A.  Both of them, have finished their first year of university.  Lewis is in his dormitory room, and, the telephone conversation continues.  Venna tells Lewis that, she is recently single.  Venna expresses her wish, to drive home.  Additionally, Venna expresses her wish that, Lewis had a car.  This way, both of them, can drive home; together.  Lewis pops out of bed, and, he checks his airplane ticket.  The ticket is refundable.  Lewis tells Venna that, he has a car.  Furthermore, that he will pick her up.  Lewis refunds his airplane ticket, and, he buys a used car.  Lewis buys a 1971 Chrysler, and, he drives on the highway.  Lewis stops, in order, to talk to his mother on the telephone.  Lewis’s mother informs Lewis that, his brother has been arrested.  Additionally, his brother is in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Lewis adds picking up his brother, to his list of plans.  Lewis’s brother is named, Fuller.  Lewis has to go back, in order, to travel to Salt Lake City.  A police officer gives Lewis a traffic ticket.  At the police station, Lewis pays with his credit card.  His brother, Fuller, is released from jail.  Lewis and Fuller see each other, for the first time in a long time.  Lewis and Fuller drive on the highway.  Lewis tells Fuller that, they are driving to the State of Colorado, in order, to pick up Venna.  Fuller vaguely remembers Venna.  Furthermore, he gives Lewis a hard time, about what, he is doing.  Fuller starts to tease Lewis, about recently buying the car.  Lewis demands, no more talking about the Venna situation.  Fuller agrees to stop.  Lewis and Fuller stop at a truck stop.  Lewis talks to Venna, on the telephone.  Lewis tells Venna that, Fuller was added to the road trip.  At the same time, Fuller pays to have a CB radio installed.  Lewis and Fuller drive on the highway.  Additionally, Fuller talks on the CB radio.  The road trip continues.  The CB radio conversations continue.  Additionally, Fuller calls himself Black Sheep.  Fuller asks Lewis, to do a woman’s voice.  Lewis refuses, and, Fuller attempts to convince him otherwise.  Lewis agrees, and, he calls himself Candy Cane.  Lewis and Fuller start to play, with the CB radio.  Lewis talks as Candy Cane, and, Fuller talks as Black Sheep.  Unexpectedly, a man starts to ask for Candy Cane.  Lewis plays along, and, he pretends to be a woman.  The man becomes interested in, Candy Cane.  The man calls himself, Rusty Nail.  Lewis continues to play along with Rusty Nail.  Fuller loves every moment, of the prank.  Unexpectedly, the CB radio drops the conversation.  Lewis and Fuller continue to drive, on the highway.  Lewis and Fuller arrive, at the Lone Star Motel.  Fuller enters, in order, to ask about a room.  Fuller watches Mr. Ellinghouse, argue with the motel worker.  Unexpectedly, Mr. Ellinghouse pulls in Fuller; into the argument.  In the car, Lewis waits for Fuller.  Unexpectedly, Rusty Nail is on the CB radio, asking for Candy Cane.  Rusty Nail continues to ask for Candy Cane.  Fuller wants to continue the prank.  He asks Lewis to start talking as Candy Cane.  Lewis says, no.  However, Fuller continues to convince him otherwise.  Surprisingly, Lewis starts to talk as Candy Cane.  Lewis, as Candy Cane, tells Rusty Nail that, they should meet-up.  Additionally, Lewis says that, he will be in room 17.  The motel is the Lone Star Motel; around midnight.  Furthermore, Lewis asks Rusty Nail for pink champagne.  Lewis and Fuller pass time, in their motel room.  Additionally, they are in room 18, and, they wait for midnight.  Midnight arrives, and, Rusty Nail arrives on a cargo truck.  Rusty Nail knocks on the door, of room 17.  Mr. Ellinghouse is in room 17.  Rusty Nail and Mr. Ellinghouse have a violent incident, with each other.  Lewis and Fuller listen, throughout the entire time of the incident.  Surprisingly, Lewis calls the motel office.  Lewis informs the worker, of an incident in room 17.  The motel worker calls room 17, and then, the worker calls Lewis on the telephone.  Lewis is told that, everything is fine.  Lewis and Fuller continue to listen.  The next morning, a Deputy Sheriff talks to Fuller.  The Deputy Sheriff asks about an incident, in room 17.  The victim is Mr. Ellinghouse.  The night manager reported that, Fuller had an incident with Mr. Ellinghouse.  Apparently, Mr. Ellinghouse was found severely beaten, on the highway.  Additionally, Mr. Ellinghouse is in a coma, at the hospital.  The Deputy Sheriff asks about, someone visiting Mr. Ellinghouse’s room.  The Deputy Sheriff takes Lewis and Fuller, to the hospital.  Lewis and Fuller watch Mr. Ellinghouse, lying in a coma.  At the Sheriffs’ Station, Sheriff Ritter talks to Lewis and Fuller.  Apparently, Lewis and Fuller have confessed, the Rusty Nail, side of the story.  Sheriff Ritter reprimands Lewis and Fuller, for the CB radio prank.  Sheriff Ritter releases Lewis and Fuller, because, he wants them out of the State of Wyoming.  Lewis and Fuller argue with each other.  Lewis and Fuller drive on the highway.  At night, Rusty Nail continues to look for Candy Cane, on the CB radio.  This time, Rusty Nail knows who, Lewis and Fuller are.  Specially, Rusty Nail knows that, Fuller is Black Sheep.  Fuller starts to talk, to Rusty Nail, as Black Sheep.  Fuller asks Rusty Nail, what his problem is.  Rusty Nail says that, he is looking for Candy Cane.  Fuller tells Rusty Nail that, Candy Cane, is not interested.  Surprisingly, Lewis tells Rusty Nail that, he is Candy Cane.  Furthermore, that everything was a joke.  Rusty Nail asks for an apology.  Instead of an apology, Fuller insults Rusty Nail.  Rusty Nail tells Fuller, that he knows, which car they are driving.  Lewis and Fuller continue driving; afraid.  Lewis and Fuller exit the highway; at the last minute.  They stop at a gasoline station, in order, to fill up the tank.  Lewis enters to pay.  Unexpectedly, an ice truck arrives at the gasoline station.  The driver looks mean and scary.  Furthermore, he carries a large stick.  Lewis attempts to talk to Sheriff Ritter; on the telephone.  Unfortunately, no one answers the telephone.  Lewis sees the driver of the ice truck, and, he feels afraid.  He pays in a hurry, and, he leaves his credit card behind.  Surprisingly, Lewis and Fuller drive away fast.  The ice truck driver chases; in the ice truck.  Unfortunately, Lewis and Fuller drive into a dead end.  The ice truck stops behind the car, and, the driver gets out.  Surprisingly, the driver is returning Lewis’s credit card.  The ice truck driver leaves, and, Lewis and Fuller feel tremendously relieved.  Lewis and Fuller sit outside the car, in order, to calm down.  Unexpectedly, Rusty Nail arrives; in a large cargo truck.  Rusty Nail crashes through the ice truck.  Lewis and Fuller drive away in a hurry, and, Rusty Nail chases.  Lewis and Fuller drive fast, but, they cannot escape Rusty Nail.  Unexpectedly, Lewis and Fuller crash against a tree.  Rusty Nail arrives, and, he stays inside the cargo truck.  Rusty Nail begins to squeeze Lewis’s car, against the tree.  The car becomes severely damaged.  Through the CB radio, Fuller apologizes to Rusty Nail.  Fuller confesses that everything, was a joke and for fun.  Surprisingly, Rusty Nail leaves without further incident.  Lewis and Fuller stop at an auto mechanic shop, in order, to have the car repaired.  Lewis talks to Venna, on the telephone.  Lewis tells Venna that, they are almost there.  The car is repaired, and, they continue driving on the highway.  Surprisingly, Fuller throws the CB radio out of the window.  Fuller wants to put everything in the past.  From this point forward; the series of events, take the viewer, to the end.  Lewis and Fuller arrive and pick up Venna.  Unfortunately, Rusty Nail returns.  Rusty Nail takes a friend, of Venna, hostage.  Then, Rusty Nail takes Venna hostage.  Lewis and Fuller are forced to look, motel to motel, for Venna.  In a motel room, Rusty Nail has Venna; ready to die.  You have to watch, in order to know, how this movie ends. 
            The movie narrative of the feature film, Joy Ride (2001), ends with some Hollywood facts.  The country of origin is the United States of America.  The official language is English.  There are other notable release dates.  The other notable release dates are:  Canada, September 9, 2001 (Toronto International Film Festival); Japan, October 26, 2001 (Tokyo International Fantastic Film Festival); Russia, November 8, 2001; Mexico, November 17, 2001 and Spain, April 5, 2002.  There are 23 filming locations, in total, for this particular movie.  All of the filming locations are located in the following:  the State of Nevada, U.S.A., the State of Utah, U.S.A. and the State of California, U.S.A.  There is box office data for this movie.  The original budget is estimated at, $23 million USD.  The opening weekend is on October 5, 2001, and, for the U.S.A.  On its opening weekend, this movie made $7,347,259 dollars.  This movie is closed in theaters on, January 4, 2002.  The gross profits, that are reported, are $21,973,182 dollars.  The production dates, that are reported, are September 28, 1999 to February 2000.  The production companies are Regency Enterprises, Epsilon Motion Pictures, New Regency Pictures, Bad Robot and Liveplanet.  There are several distributors, for this particular movie.  Some of the distributors include the following; Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (U.S.A.); 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment (Brazil/Germany/U.S.A.); British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) (UK) and Fox Network (U.S.A.). 
            To end and as always, RB28’s Movie Narratives, encourages you to continue reading the posted movie narratives.  The aforementioned blog strives to provide basic information, so that it, becomes inspiration.  Movies are a great pleasure to RB28’s Movie Narratives, and, the blog’s author hopes that they are for you as well.  For this week, and in conclusion, the feature film was Joy Ride (2001).  RB28’s Movie Narratives looks forward to seeing you next week, when another movie will be highlighted.


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